

Work officially started today. We are back from Thailand. It was colourful, wild and breathtaking. The people are so friendly and so welcoming. Prices are very reasonable - this is the first overseas holiday that I can really say that things are actually affordable. Pictures cannot capture the sounds and tastes and smells of this wonderful place but here are a few images that I would like to share of our holiday.

Part I - The beaches and islands

Part II - the food and markets
Seaweed Lays...not my personal favourite but still interesting.

Sweetcorn on the beach - freshly braaied and seasoned on the spot!

This lady and her granddaughter work together on the floating markets - selling an interesting noodle broth to locals and tourists. Very tasty indeed.

 Part III - Civilization and Religion
In Bangkok we stayed in the Lub'd hostels. This is what backpacking should be: Simple, clean, well designed. 

Night markets are everywhere. Consumerism is huge in Bangkok. We found that the markets did just as well as the shopping malls - a lot of young and upcoming fashion designers use small alleys and night markets as starting blocks.

Infrastructure trying to cope with millions of people...

Our trip only covered Bangkok and the Krabi province in the South. Loved the food, loved the friendliness, loved the colours and textures.